Brainwashing Fractionation

By Dragontize


Brainwashing Fractionation Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm DragonTies. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This file is called brainwashing fractionation. If you will, join me on a journey to a brainwashing chair in an office of Dragon Ties Incorporated, where I'm going to teach you to drop deep into transforming, and then we'll practice.

Maybe you walk willingly into the center. Maybe you're brought in for your own good. Maybe you're kidnapped and taken. Whatever the case may be, you find yourself in front of a set of glass sliding doors that open easily for you as as you approach. And when you come inside, a nurse greets you.

We've been expecting you right this way and leads you down a long hallway to a door to your personal brainwashing chamber. And inside, you see a chair. You settle into that chair maybe of your own accord or maybe you're put there by wrong hands, and either way, restraints at your wrists and ankles fasten around You to keep you safe, make sure you don't fall out of that chair, and the screen begins displaying a spiral. The chair embraces your head as you sink back into it, and you find that you cannot turn your …