Brainwashing Helmet

By Dragontize


Brainwashing Helmet Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm DragonTies. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. In this file, you're going to be experiencing how it would be to be a test subject For Dragon Ties Enterprises' new exciting product, a brainwashing helmet. Of course, you don't know that that's what it's for.

After all, we don't want the test subject's knowledge of the test interfere with the results. That's study ethics for you, isn't it? But you, my hapless listener, saw an ad for a study, for an exciting new experimental product that's going to help people to really relax, let go, and experience the changes that they or someone else want to occur in their minds, perhaps changes that they've been resisting or not accepting as they should. In any case, you've shown up for this study, and you see the glass doors of the building you've been directed to ahead of you. As you walk toward them they open effortlessly just as your mind is about to, and you walk into a building spotlessly clean but comfortable and inviting.

Ah, Welcome. You're here for the test today, are you? Ah, wonderful. Just go ahead and sign your name on this sheet of paper right here …