Forgetting to Forget and Remembering to Remember script written by Intermittent Thinker

By Dragontize


Forgetting to Forget and Remembering to Remember script written by Intermittent Thinker Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This is Forgetting to Forget and Remembering to Remember, a script written by intermittent thinker for the round robin event 2023. It's quite easy to make someone think of something.

I don't have a mind control device or mind melting magic. And yet, if I tell you to think of, let's Say a blue triangle. You will think of it. Maybe you see it. Maybe you just feel it somehow, whatever a blue triangle might feel like to you, but it's there in your mind.

You're experiencing a blue triangle one way or another. And, of course, there's no magic trick here. I didn't learn to do this through intensive study of neurolinguistic programming. No. It's simple.

It's straightforward. I'm talking. You're listening. Your brain processes is the incoming information, and there it is, the blue triangle, unavoidable. But we're not here to talk about blue triangles, are we?

No. Let's talk about trans. That's more interesting. So How does the word trans appear in your mind? Maybe you see it.

Maybe you're picturing a spiral, a swinging pendant, a pair of captivating eyes. Seeing those eyes open or closed can help you focus …