Gentle Reset

By Dragontize


Gentle Reset Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm DragonTies. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This is a gentle reset file for removing unwanted lingering effects and triggers whether from my files or someone else's. If in your journey to take back some power over your subconscious mind, you want my help, I'm here to offer it.

Sometimes, for some people, knowing that they have permission to let go and getting help through the process makes it easier and more comfortable to let go of those old triggers, those lingering effects. However, I want to assure you that you don't need this file Because you don't need anyone's permission to let go of what you no longer want in your head. And you can learn to do this on your own if you wish. But since you're here now listening to this file, I will help you. This file is going to use something I was taught as the rewind technique.

To use the rewind technique to remove unwanted triggers. You simply relax your mind to point where you can easily imagine and recall the kind of situation you're done with. But seeing it from a safe emotional distance as if you were simply watching yourself in …