Good Toys Obey

By Dragontize


Good Toys Obey Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. Today, I've been focused on the idea that you will obey because good toys obey. It's fun to toy with the idea of making you repeat for me.

So this is going to be a mantra file. A file in which you say what I want you to say and hear your own voice repeating those suggestions to you. And if for whatever reason, it's not safe or appropriate to say it out loud, It's alright if you're just saying it in your mind for now. So let's start with that familiar one. The one that if you're familiar with my work, you may already be conditioned to respond with.

Because when I say that you will obey, you respond, I will obey. So why don't you say that for me now? I will obey. That's right. It's good to hear that, to hear your obedience, and it's good for you to hear yourself saying it.

You can repeat it to yourself softly, letting the words sink in a little bit deeper each time. You will obey. That's right. You will, won't you? And you're obeying now by letting those words take …