Handle with Care, script by Cee

By Dragontize


Handle with Care, script by Cee Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm Dragon Ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This file is a script written by a friend called Handle With Care. It is a storylike induction using all senses other than sight and hearing.

At the end, there is an optional wakener. In this file, I, the hypnotist, Suggest that the listener, you, imagine themself as a character in a story about an induction. The text is gender neutral and not erotic, but it does contain suggestions of drinking a nonalcoholic beverage and suggestions of a public hypno scene. I hope you enjoy. I want to tell you a story.

I also want to hypnotize you. Both things can be achieved during the time you'll spend here. It's not that hard. Nothing is hard in hypnosis if you put your mind to it. That's exactly what this is about after all, putting your mind to it, putting your mind into it.

Stories are like that too. Language designed to entice your mind and guide your imagination. You know how that is, and my friend knows it as well. Let me tell you about my friend. Imagine yourself in their place.

You are this person who likes their small pleasures. Some are …