Hapless Hero

By Dragontize


Hapless Hero Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I'm mesmerized with a voice and eyes. This file is going to be a fantasy of you, the hapless Hero who has wandered into the service of Dragon Ties Industries. So just relax.

Let your eyes unfocus or close as you like, and prepare yourself to join me on this fantasy journey. You are hero. Have been working for Dragon Ties Industries for sometime undercover. In your role as an IT professional, You've been privy to many of the CEO's intimate secrets of her business. But what you may not know is how much she knows about you.

But you do know that you don't have to worry, but your team has your back. You can just relax and do What makes sense to do for you in this moment? And you can just relax and imagine your journey being called in down into the inner sanctum where you've been called to help with a little problem with a test. So you bring Whatever you need to bring to help with this. And you follow the directions deeper into the facility, Turning left and right.

Walking down and down Long hallways. Maybe you need to take an elevator …