Meet the Enchantress

By Dragontize


Meet the Enchantress Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm Dragon Ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. In this file, a simple walk through the park will end with you offering your willing service to a beautiful enchantress. Of course, our journey doesn't start out quite so mystical.

Far more mundane, really. You were going about your business as usual one day, and once your work was complete, You felt a strange urge for nature. You simply had to go for a walk in the park. Now, of course, that's not such an unusual desire. You'd you'd been for walks before, but There was something about no.

This this was perfectly normal. It was such a beautiful day after all. The birds were singing high in the trees. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves on their branches, and those leaves were every color. A beautiful rainbow.

Couldn't take your eyes off them as you walked along the path. The ground was soft underfoot, So smooth. You soon found you were walking without really thinking. Each Step becoming a bit more automatic, a bit more relaxed as you passed under the arching branches and listened to the song of the birds, feeling the warm autumn sun on your back. Park …