Quick PMR with wake

By Dragontize


Quick PMR with wake Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This clip is going to be a simple PMR. That's progressive muscle relaxation.

Now there are those who will throw shade on this sort of induction saying that it's too simple or It leaves the subject too limp, loose, and relaxed. But the fact is that I rather like A subject who is limp, loose, and relaxed. And there's so much you can do with them that way, if they consent to it, of course. And so what we're going to do is we're just going to start by bringing some relaxation into the tips of your toes. That's right.

Your toes are just Starting to feel relaxed, limp and loose, like nothing in the world could Bother your toes. Just a droopy, droppy, drowsy, drifty kind of feeling. And as you relax, you find that relaxation flowing up into your feet. And then your Feet are limp, loose and relax. And maybe with the next breath, you feel that flowing up into your ankles.

Maybe as you breathe out, the relaxation gets Stronger. And as you breathe in, you can feel it creeping farther up your body so So that now …