Ready, Willing, Open

By Dragontize


Ready, Willing, Open Erotic Hypnosis Script

Well, of course, the trouble with covert conversational is that I usually signal the start of a trance by saying, hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. And, you know, once I've said that, anyone who's familiar with my work is expecting me to hypnotize them. Of course, if you're interested in covert or conversational inductions, that means that you want to be pulled into trans, so it's alright if I'm pulling you down a little bit.

And I suppose, you're also going to expect to love to hate me saying wake and fractionating you a bit because, of course, every time you're woken up again, you just wind up getting pulled down a little bit deeper the next time, which can also be a lot of fun. And even the tone of my voice can fractionate some who are very conditioned. A soft soothing tone pulling them down and then a more alert one causing them to wake again. It really is that simple, isn't it? And, of course, when the voice wanders, the mind may wander.

We may wonder how the focus begins, where the trance comes from, begins in the mind, begins with my words, …