Roller Coaster Ride

By Dragontize


Roller Coaster Ride Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm Dragon Ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This file is a roller coaster ride. We're going to be up high, very high, with an amazing view.

And we're going to have a lot of fun dropping fast and deep. But for now, imagine that you don't know where we're going or what we're doing. You're in for a surprise, And you know it's going to be a pleasant one because I always take such good care of you when you listen to my voice and follow me. So just close your eyes so I can slip this blindfold down over your eyes. You don't need to see right now because I will guide you.

I take your hand in mine and I lead you forward. You can just let go, relax, and follow me. As you follow where I lead, your hand in mine, Mine pulling you onward, you can hear whooshing and happy sounds, distant laughter, Maybe even some excited screams. With those eyes closed beneath that blindfold, you can focus on what you hear and feel and smell. Maybe there's a breeze blowing past as I lead you and we slow down.

We turn left and walk …