Snuggling Vines

By Dragontize


Snuggling Vines Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon This file is called snuggling vines. You may have heard that things They've changed in this imagined future we're going to explore together. No one has to pay for housing, Food. The needs are taken care of.

Everything is so much better, and no few humans find themselves wrapped in the snuggling vines of these. Well, they're not invaders, are they? They don't harm anyone. No. They they want all these cute little humans to be safe.

Then again, you do have your doubts, so you decided to take a walk to one of their help centers. Perhaps you notice some of the changes in the neighborhood as you're walking through it. Newly upgraded housing Looks so comfortable and safe for everyone. And you can notice 1 or 2 humans being led by vines wrapped into a collar or holding a hand, they look like pets. In fact, as grateful as you are that You're no longer facing scarcity or having to pay for utilities and being taken care of.

You you are a little worried about your friend, and You must consider carefully and think deeply about your decision. He has been spending a lot of time wrapped …