Speedrunning Obedience

By Dragontize


Speedrunning Obedience Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I mesmerize with voice and eyes. This file is called speed running obedience. Any percent is fine.

We're not going to get into exploits and glitches. Exploits and glitches. I suppose I ought to say I'm not a speed runner myself, but it is possible for me to Speed run your mind as it were. Speed run bringing you into trance. That's right.

Sometimes all it takes is the tone of my voice. Sometimes you might want to focus on my lovely spiral or wherever your eyes might rest. You can stare if you like, or you can just let them close. Let yourself sink. Let your body begin to relax because relaxed body can make your mind relax.

Once your whole body is relaxed, perhaps your whole mind is relaxed. Though, of course, I do expect anyone who may be begging me to take care of their body, to relax in a way that's most comfortable to them, adjust as you need to so that you can sink even deeper. That's right. Sinking down and down deeper, letting yourself go into yourself and into trance so that we can Speed run bringing obedience into that willing and …