Spiral Down

By Dragontize


Spiral Down Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm dragon ties. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. I call this file, spiral down. Now, I'm making this file For those of you who are curious, why spirals?

Why hypnotic visuals? Why do we share these things that people love to stare in, get lost in? How does it work? How does it happen, and can I enjoy that as well? If you've been wondering those things, this file is for you.

Now, of course, it will help if you have a spiral in front of you. So if you like, you can pause the recording to to go and find 1 if you don't have 1 already. Or if you don't, you can simply imagine 1 spinning and turning in your mind just as fast or as slow as you need it to be to entrench and enthrall you. To hold your gaze and draw you in because that's what these visuals do. You know?

They catch the eye. And when the eye is caught, The mind may feel caught as well. Some of us like to feel that our mind is being controlled, contained, captured, and changed. We like the idea of brainwashing, of being shaped to the …