
By Dragontize


SubmissInception Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm DragonTies. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This file is called submission ception. You may be familiar with the concept of nested loops Just like Russian nesting dolls, except with stories.

A story within a story within a Story can pull you deeper and deeper into trance. And in this file, Each of these stories will help you to accept your submission. Because if you're listening to this, you already Stand that it is in your nature to enjoy submitting, enjoy obeying, Enjoy going into trance for a dom or other person that you enjoy submitting to, and this is just going to help you accept that part of yourself. So for now, I'd like you to go ahead and let your eyes close and just listen, and I'm going to ask you to imagine yourself sitting or standing before a mirror. And as you're looking in that mirror, As people sometimes do to increase their confidence, you're telling yourself things that help you to accept yourself.

Now maybe you like what you see in the mirror, and maybe you don't, but, Regardless, you can accept. You can understand that whether or not you're your own type, Someone out …