Watch the Watch

By Dragontize


Watch the Watch Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, world. I'm DragonTies. I'm mesmerized with voice and eyes. This file is called watch the watch. And it's about the humble pocket watch.

Now people often wonder why pocket watches are so popular in hypnosis. Why they featured in so many hypnotic videos, or why they're a recurring motif that we associate with hypnosis when They were simply watches that you kept in your pocket. Well, the truth is that a Pocket watch can be delightfully hypnotic. Certainly, part of it was that the Victorian gentleman tended to have One on him at all times, and it was a handy object that could be dangled in front of the subject's eyes from its chain. It might swing from left to right, and left to right in front of their eyes.

And it also helps that being a watch, as long as it was kept wound, it would be ticking. A slow, steady ticking may be about the speed that a calm, relaxed Heart would be beating. And hearing that ticking can be very relaxing. Could draw your attention just as the watch going back and forth, Back and forth might draw your eyes and pull you down. Deeper and deeper, down …