[F4A] Becoming a Pornstar [Haptics]

By Earesistible


[F4A] Becoming a Pornstar [Haptics] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, my sweet little pets. My name is irresistible, but, of course, you can call me E. If you have already listened to me before, well, then you will already know me. But if you haven't listened to me before, Be prepared for this amazing, wonderful experience that I'm about to take you on. I hope you're ready.

I wanna take you into my exciting world. The only thing I want you to do is just to listen to me. I want you to make sure that you're all by yourself and that you won't be disturbed during this part. I really want You can enjoy your time with me and listen with measurable anticipation. I will gently pull you into a Deep, deep, John.

I will provide all the pleasure you need, and you You'll enjoy every single minute of it. I want you to let yourself go and just feel free. E. I know how much you enjoy watching porn. As I do 2.

I know you enjoy seeing other people fight. Okay. And be fine. It's so amazing. It's so, so Enjoyable.

All you can do is fantasize about being one of those porn stars fighting so hard It was so …