[F4M] Confiding In Your Therapist [Script Fill] [Haptics]

By Earesistible


[F4M] Confiding In Your Therapist [Script Fill] [Haptics] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hi there! Welcome to your session. I'll be your therapist for today. Have a seat. Please make yourself comfortable.

Is this your first time in therapy? I know it can feel a bit strange at first so please let me know if there's anything I can do to make this less awkward for you. Think of this session as a blank canvas on which you can paint your thoughts. So with that being said, what brings you here today? I see.

So you have an obsession with women's backsides and you like women with large surround buttocks in particular. No no. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Woman's bottoms are sexualized all throughout the world. Study shows that evolutionarily, a woman with a shapely behind was actually an indication of her Elitty.

We have evolved to find a small waist and a large bum attractive. Not to mention women's buttocks have become widely predominant in pop culture from modern fashion trends music videos The female posterior has become a symbol of modern femininity. There's nothing wrong with you. Mhmm. What's that?

Oh wow. You're really obsessed. How long have you found yourself fantasizing about well butts? As long as you can remember. What is …