[F4M] Hypnotic Thrusting HFO [Script Fill] [Haptics]

By Earesistible


[F4M] Hypnotic Thrusting HFO [Script Fill] [Haptics] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hey there. I'm glad you decided to spend time with me. You made the right choice. The goal of this session is very simple I want you to relax and I want you to experience a very Very pleasurable orgasm. This is a safe place, I'll tell you everything we plan to do today.

Everything is kind, affectionate, and feels, oh, so good. You're safe with me here. Before we get started, please make yourself comfortable sitting at a desk chair's line, But lean back a little if it helps you relax. Make sure your cellphone is on do not disturb mode. Close your door if you don't want anyone to see you.

Wiggle a little bit in your chair and then settle down comfortably. Go ahead, wiggle. Just a little. Good. You're doing so good.

If you need a moment to get comfortable, you can pause now and do so. Okay. Are you comfortable? Good. Me too.

Today, I'm gonna say things that will help you relax. Some people call this hypnosis. Others might call it guided meditation. My only goal is to help you relax and release. Good morning.

You're so not. Well, I totally have to do that. I just feel perfectly …