Pleasure Indoctrination - File #4: 'Beautiful Surrender' [M4a] [Pleasure Trigger] [Surrender] [Restraints] [Clicker] [Orgasm]

By EnchantedLocks


Pleasure Indoctrination - File #4: 'Beautiful Surrender' [M4a] [Pleasure Trigger] [Surrender] [Restraints] [Clicker] [Orgasm] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Before we begin, I want you to find a place where you can safely relax and let go, And devote 100% of your focus just to listening. Now when I begin a trance, I like to imagine an hourglass shape, And this is not about how the sands drops. I think about an hourglass because an hourglass is wider at the top, narrow in the middle, and it becomes wider at the end because that is how I imagine the process of trans. The awareness starts out wide just like it is right now. And then you begin the process of narrowing that focus, and you begin the process of letting go letting go of distractions you used to have, and the focus narrows as the mind focuses and listens.

And you begin to let go and let everything else fade away. Let any thought you had wash away, And the focus can continue to narrow until there's only my voice, and the body can begin to melt and relax. The body can begin to feel nice and heavy and relaxed. And just focus on the sound of my voice so that everything else fades away, and you're left here only …