[F4A] Mommy's Permission [33:53] [Hypnosis] [Femdom] [Deity Play] [Objectification] [Conditioning]

By brattysamantha


[F4A] Mommy's Permission [33:53] [Hypnosis] [Femdom] [Deity Play] [Objectification] [Conditioning] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Do you enjoy the act of obeying? Of course you do. Rules are far more freeing than liberty, You know? It's too hard to think on your own. Too hard To make decisions for yourself.

It feels good to just let go once in a while. Right now. And let someone strong and decisive take over for you. Making decisions is just too difficult for you. It's so much easier to just turn that brain off and let someone else do the thinking.

Somewhat far more powerful and decisive. Right now, You love to obey. You love to turn off your mind, to let go, and let mommy Do whatever I want with it. To play. To mold it like clay and letting it sit out to harden, solidify, permanently set in my desire shape.

Right now, I have my strong, decisive finger wrapped around your clay brain, clutching it firmly. There's nothing between us, Nothing else touching you. You are just an object in my hands. Your claybright is song, wise, and multiple, Completely vulnerable to my will. Completely inanimate.

There is nothing you can do to stop me when I drop you down onto the stationary turntable and fold you over yourself, …