Puppy IQ Drop

By gob384


Puppy IQ Drop Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello and welcome to this transfile. This transfile will include an induction as well as IQ drop and subtle encouragement toward puppy play. In order to listen to this file is encouraged that you get somewhere nice and comfortable. Somewhere where you will be undisturbed, where you can simply listen to my voice and relax. As part of our induction, we're going to have you focus on your breathing, taking a deep breath in, holding and out.

A deep breath in, holding and out, and repeat for every breath you take you will feel slightly more relaxed. Every breath will become more focused on my words, and every breath will become more suggestible under my influence. Breathing, listening, responding, these are your tasks. Simple. Right?

Breathing in, holding and out, reading my words, responding to my questions, simple tasks for a simple mind because we are going to help your mind become more simple, nice and relaxed, and very suggestible. This is why it is important you trust me to trust my suggestions are here to help you to trust that I am safe and you can simply focus on my words and truly relax, breathing, listening, respond. Simple task or a …