Capture Spiral

By Goddess_Nautica


Capture Spiral Erotic Hypnosis Script

I laid out my web before you even started listening to this audio. And then I just simply sit back and wait. I begin the process of luring you in With my sweet words, my sweet voice, That voice you can't resist, the familiar voice saying the words You have grown so accustomed to and want to hear more, making it all sound so good, So nice. So pleasant. Drawing you in.

Attracting you. Sending out energy signals. Luring you in. And I sit back and wait. Wait for you to get closer And closer and closer to my web so that before you know it, You are stuck.

You can't stop. You can't help yourself. And then by the time you figure out what is going on, you might try to escape, To fight, but you can't. You can't stop anything from happening. Because the more you fight, the more entangled you become.

And The more entangled you become, the more you can't get free, And you are caught. And once that happens, once you are caught in my web, I begin to further entrap you by Laying out a web inside of your exhausted mind, and then I begin to weave …