Our Taste Script Fill

By AforAudio


Our Taste Script Fill Erotic Hypnosis Script

Oh my gosh. Look who it is. My 2nd favorite customer. No. You can't be number 1.

Belongs to that cat that walks up the door sometimes. It has the prettiest coat. You should stick around till it comes. It normally wanders around the neighborhood during the evening. Oh, really?

You're staying late anyways. How come? Wow. That sounds like a lot of work. Hey.

Let me get your usual written down, and I'll give it to you in a bit. Go on and start your project. Hey. Hi. Sorry.

I have your coffee. No. No. It's fine. I get it.

I use noise cancelling when I study too. Hope I didn't interrupt. Yeah. Business is slow today. No sign of the kitty either.

Mind if I sit with you? Is it good? The coffee. Well, you don't have to be surprised it's good. I make your coffee every day.

Same order, same time. Really? Does it taste different today? I don't know. What's wrong with it?

It has extra love ain't it? You're so silly. I didn't stir your drink with Cupid's arrow. Don't worry. God.

It's nice you came today. No one's here after 7. Gets lonely, I guess. No. Even when you stay after closing, it's …