Dumb Down for Me - Scottish Maledom Hypnosis

By BlueScotsEyes


Dumb Down for Me - Scottish Maledom Hypnosis Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello. This is Blue Scott's Eyes, and you're less than 10 of the file out every Wednesday. And this one is about your intelligence, so Only listen to this one if you'd like the feeling of being dumb and feeling your intelligence Drained away. Good girl. And I highly recommend Having listened to my prior files, and if you have, let's begin.

Get comfy for me and let yourself relax, and feel free to play with yourself in whatever way you touch you on most. Drop for me deeper and deeper. Drop for me deeper and deeper, letting your Body relax. Letting everything just let go and feeling how Your muscles and your joints, they release all that tension and stress I see you keep there. Deeper and deeper.

Drop for me. And And this is where it begins. Me sucking out your brains, your intelligence, leaving you dumb little girl, and you feel it start. Drip. Drip.

Drip. You feel your thoughts vanish. Then you're relaxed, little throat. Drap. Drap.

Drap. And Drap. Drap. Drap. You feel your free will And your sense of self, you don't need them right now.

Just give them to me. And it turns you on so much to …