[F4A] Do You Want To Be My Toy?

By notsoftforwork


[F4A] Do You Want To Be My Toy? Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hey there, puppy. How are you? My puppy. My sweet, sweet puppy. I apologize.

It's been a couple days since I've gotten to rub one out, and I figured since my toy is right here, I might as well make use of it. Sorry. I just I get so horny. These meds really do make me even hornier than I used to be. Do you wanna find out how horny they make me?

Does my toy wanna get used? You do? Well, that's great. My little fleshlight. Can you just for a moment, imagine what it would be like if your mind was my fleshlight?

If I could just fuck the thoughts right out of you. Don't get too excited. Oh, we have a little bit of buildup here. It's one of my favorite parts, so we might as well make the most of it. Can you imagine for a moment that your mind It's like a little fleshlight.

So malleable, so squishy, And so fuckable. And you can imagine that my words Are like the lube, and with your mind being so fuckable And with my words being so silky smooth and lubricating Those thoughts of yours, we can imagine that my command …