What you are to me.

By notsoftforwork


What you are to me. Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hello, sweet thing. How are you? It's nice to hear from you again. Let's not dance around the subject tonight. I know exactly what you want out of this.

You? It's so hot out right now. I've been sweating a lot. It seems like that might have excited you a little bit. What are you, pervert?

I know. You? Just the thought of my sweaty socks drives you you, Wild? It's cute, really, wanting, I'm desiring to be an object for me to just use to take a load off. So why don't you just bend over and you?

Relax. I'll prop my feet up against you. Doesn't that feel nice? The pressure of muscles you? Gently resting against your back.

Not too hard. Not too soft. Just enough to remind you of what you are to me. Here's There's a thought. Why don't you get up you?

Close. Nose. Pressed against my boots. Go What? It's okay.

Get nice and close. You? Do you like that? Do you like the scent? They're they relatively new?

I should just smell like a nice high quality leather. You? Give me a deep inhale. Hold you? And good.

You? What a mess you are. I ought to have you cleaning …