DIstracted in Class [Ft. Mx Kicks] [FM4A] [IQ Play] [Hypnosis] [Lecture] [Obedience] [Helplessness] [Exhibitionism] [Open Ended] [No Wake Up]

By SecretSubject_


DIstracted in Class [Ft. Mx Kicks] [FM4A] [IQ Play] [Hypnosis] [Lecture] [Obedience] [Helplessness] [Exhibitionism] [Open Ended] [No Wake Up] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome everybody to my lecture on hypnosis today. I trust you've been having a good time at the convention so far. And today, we will be discussing the hypnoticism of mundane objects. And before any of you smartasses in the audience object, no. Hypnoticism is not a real word.

I made it up. Because it sounds a bit more academic than hypnoticness. But saying hypnotic potential Sounds a bit too scientific for what we're about to do because, really, what we're gonna do, in the coming Half hour is a whole lot of naval gazing. But the fun kind, the kind of gazing that makes your eyelids Slowly grow heavier and heavier as your focus is pulled entirely onto the subject of discussion. And that brings me to my 1st major point, visual fixation.

Now we all know that Although hypnosis is typically induced through sound or through at least the comprehension of words, be it through text or speaking. There is a major visual component to well, Most most hypnosis. For instance, consider all of the Essential, hypnotic cliches and tropes. The pocket watch, the spiral, The eyes. These all have one very major running theme amongst them.

They They are all …