The Pink Ocean [F4A] [Short Loop] [Bimbo] [Brainwashing] [Fractionation] [Water Themed] [IQ Play] [Dumbing Down] [Gender Neutral] [Lasting Effects] [Non-Permanent]

By SecretSubject_


The Pink Ocean [F4A] [Short Loop] [Bimbo] [Brainwashing] [Fractionation] [Water Themed] [IQ Play] [Dumbing Down] [Gender Neutral] [Lasting Effects] [Non-Permanent] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Today, I'm gonna take you on my on a little trip to the pink ocean. Settling. My Now I want you to just imagine something for me. I want you to imagine yourself sitting on the edge of the waters of a beautiful beach. You can see the waves lapping at your toes come waves.

You can see them drifting in. Ocean and so silly and out. Going so stupid. Mine That's right. So relaxing.

So peaceful, so calm, and you can just imagine yourself. Your mind Waves come in. Drifting with those waves. Every time the wave comes in, you find yourself all awake, alert, and aware. And every time the waves do flow sinking down, down, down, down, deep, deep, deep, deep.

Down in, and you're out and out. Out. Down, down, down, down, drifting, sinking, flowing down, down, down, until the wave comes back in again. Comes. And this just repeats over and over in your mind until your mind knows exactly when you rest.

And up or out and down and in and out and down. It's just so easy to follow the wave. It's just so easy to let yourself sink and fall and drift and float. Now you …