Bimbo Daydreams - SFX

By Miss Lilith


Bimbo Daydreams - SFX Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, bimbo. You better not be planning to use that cute brain of yours for a little while. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. Well, that's okay. You can keep doing whatever it is you're doing.

It won't make any difference but you can keep going if you want. Are you really going to pretend like I'm not already making my daydream. I've already derailed your mind, haven't I? As soon as you Beam, speed. That little bimbo brain of yours just goes, and you draw you into this luminous space like a rock like a rock.

Does the feel that you've meat inside your brain make it heart make it hearts and drinks and drinks? As soon as you hear me speak, something in your head just seems to go Go. Pop. Go. Pop.

Like your brain is a big, big, big, pink, pink balloon balloon Under my voice, just enter into your hair. Your hair pokes it. And when when those pass pop and that gas begins to fill up, your brain sees it sees it completely, completely. And you feel every thought and every instant and every and every image replaced with a relaxing with a relaxing thing. Glow.

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