Forgetful and Submissive Cocksucking - SFX

By Miss Lilith


Forgetful and Submissive Cocksucking - SFX Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweetie. I want you to prepare I know I know you love you love to forget. I know I know deep deep deep need of yours to lose control to your conditioning, your desires. And you know how much easier it is when you forget. And simply allow things to happen to happen.

All you have to do is listen and and forget. It will be easy. Not only because I want you to, but because you need to. So think for a minute What it means to lose control. To lose control to your own desire.

Your need. How it feels to lose control in the face of hypnotic suggestion. How it feels feel. When you put your paws midstrung and reckon and reckon a moment a moment when your actions and thoughts reflect reflect focus on that right now. Pinpoint that particular sensation of losing control as your subconscious I know you felt that.

I know you've enjoyed joy immensely. I know mind. You'll enjoy it ever so much more from this point on. Focus on that feeling, sweetie. Bring to mind, baby, and bright.

Remember all the times you had lost control. Remember all the times your conditioning, your brain …