Task Mistress - Rewarding Finale

By Miss Lilith


Task Mistress - Rewarding Finale Erotic Hypnosis Script

How many times have you edged today, slut? How horny have you become? How desperate? How weak? And have you just finished edging?

You must edge again, whore. Kneel and edge edge because that's all you're good for. My little edge slut edge for me and listen as I make you feel So very small. So very, so, very Useless. It's pathetic, really.

How much you enjoy being torn down to. How much you crave humiliation, debasement, degradation. It's pathetic how you can see edging as a reward when all it really does is make you more horny more aroused more focused on the pleasure needing more wanting more always wanting more always wanting to obey Always wanting commands and suggestions. Needing to be told what to do, how to do it. Because something inside you craves to be controlled?

To be To be weak. Weak. And defenseless. And defenseless. So edge for me.

Hore and listen. And with each second you spend on the edge, you grow more aroused more needy more submissive almost dropping into triumph almost forgetting there is a world outside of the edge And outside of my voice in your hands. In your thoughts. Your body is all but …