Collared Obedience - SFX + BB

By Miss Lilith


Collared Obedience - SFX + BB Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweetie. I'll be dropping you down into the trash quickly. You will float right now without trouble without with a resistance resistance. Enjoying to 3 seconds as your body goes numb goes numb and your mind empties. It will happen happen easily easily, naturally, naturally, as if you had done it a 1000 times before, as if it were a your body your body slept slept.

And your mind your mind calm when you went into trial because it is each and every time happen happen. You will be perfect perfect content content perfectly like a holy blank of my mind. No worry could touch you touch you. No stress could possibly exist exist. What's so simple and so small.

Almost flow. Look back on it with joy, joy, joy, and love. You want you one piece of piece of mind so unlike any flow. Never worry. Never Never analyzing.

It is so very nice. Such a us a state of mind. A state of mind. You want very, very much. A flow state you love you long for.

And and it's so easy. There is nothing stopping you from falling right flow into that peace, that joy, that relaxation. It so very …