My Good Bimbo Girl - SFX

By Miss Lilith


My Good Bimbo Girl - SFX Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome sweetie. We'll be dropping deep down into a nice relaxing trance soon enough. Once we do, into you. And I have my right right where I where I want you. You're my my wrecked wrecked me to play me.

I will over the way you think, the way you behave, the way you respond. In the sky. And since I know you want this so very, very much, the rhetoric to the trash. This will be very, very easy. All you have to do is breathe deeply and slowly.

Allow your eyes to close. Allow, allow body, body into simsom and relax and relax. It's really that easy. There's nothing to do with it. Just green green.

The noise tension tension. The almost the almost bit bit bit by my bed. Simply listening into the sound of the sound waves using voice pulls you deeper under there. The sound of my voice entraps your mind. Relocate your thoughts.

Because when you listen to me, sweetie, there is there is no need to thick thick. No need to reason. You can but listen but relax. It's that easing. You can feel your body relax all on its own.

And automatically and releasing single tension or …