Perfect Pillow Pegging

By Miss Lilith


Perfect Pillow Pegging Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweetie. I hope you're in a quiet, safe place. All comfortable, loose and relaxed. All you have to do is just listen and follow. Easily and effortlessly.

All you have to do is close your eyes. Breathe deeply and Slowly and focus only on the sound of my voice and the words that I say. The The longer you listen, the easier it is to discard thought and laser focus to your attention on my voice voice, my voice, and that deep rooted station of falling deeper as your body goes numb. Because As you've grown up, it's all that much easier to focus only focus on me focus on me Only on the sound of my voice. Only on how the simple act of listening Pulls you deeper and deeper under.

Making you sleeping. Making you more and More reliable. Without effort. Without hesitation. Without to Without thought.

Now. Now. I'd like you to imagine something for me, sweetie. I'd like you to engage that powerful imagination of yours and picture yourself in a big, comfy bed. Your head on something soft.

Your mind between awareness and Slumber in that in between place where you don't feel like moving or thinking. Where …