The Frequency of Submission

By Miss Lilith


The Frequency of Submission Erotic Hypnosis Script

Listen to me, slut. Allow your mind to tune in to the frequency of submission. Pay attention to the vibrations in my voice, to the sweet tone surrounding you clouding your mind. Pay attention to me, slut and tune in to the frequency of submission. The waves of my voice resonate through your head.

The waves from your right ear colliding with the waves from your left ear. The expansion of sound fills the center of your mind. J- allow yourself to lose focus. Allow yourself to be pulled in by my words. You can drift away in this sea, but no matter how far you go, I'll always be right by you, pulling you in again.

There is no escape. You don't want to escape. I am your escape. Tune into the frequency of submission. Do you remember where you came from?

I want you to forget. I want to tear down the world that surrounds you. I want to tear down your perceptions. Chun I want to build you back up into a comfortable and submissive state. Do you feel that?

Do you feel my voice leaking from your brain jingle. Beginning to flow down your neck, your throat feels warm and …