Taken On The Yoga May - F4F

By Miss Lilith


Taken On The Yoga May - F4F Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome sweetie. For this session, you can either lie back, close your eyes and engage that powerful imagination of yours. Or, follow along in whatever Pose, or set of poses you most prefer. There's no right way to listen to this session, because in whatever way you listen, you Still get to feel all those magnificently pleasant sensations of submission and joy. Now, today's yoga class will be a bit different.

Experimental, shall we say. With a greater focus on the mind, a A deeper focus on the sounds. I'll be opening up, up, in waves you have never experienced. Way, way, way, way, joy, and joy immensely. All you have to do is listen, and and follow.

Follow along with my, my, movements and follow with the Salazar my voice. Allow me to guide you downwards and into the deepest paths of yourself. That lately of great great learning. La la la la. It's a great great pleasure.

Now, this This is a free form session, so find a pose or position you most enjoy. One which will allow you to focus inwards as you listen to the sound of my voice And the 1 which I say say. One which opens …