Think Pink and Sink - RAW

By Miss Lilith


Think Pink and Sink - RAW Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweetie. I hope you're comfy and nice and ready for a little adventure. A trip down the aisles of your mind and your thoughts. So just relax for me. Close your eyes.

It'll be so very easy to let go as I guide you down into the deepest waters of France. Where you'll just keep dropping deeper and deeper. Easily and effortlessly. Just listen to my voice and allow my words to gently settle on your mind. I'm making it easy not To think.

Because I'll be doing that for you now. Because you'd like a break. A chance to recharge and readjust Your sword patterns. Now, I'd like you to picture an elevator door. It's closed for now.

And you're standing just outside, close enough to touch. This elevator will take you down. It will take you really deep. Because the lower down it takes you, the lower down you'll go, the deeper into trance. The door opens slowly and you step through it, unafraid, feeling safe and secure As if you were always meant to be here.

As if there were no other place you'd rather be right now. You turn around and watch as the door closes. Up top, right …