Marionette Plaything - SFX

By Miss Lilith


Marionette Plaything - SFX Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweetie. This is going to be a slightly different kind of hypno session. I'll take you really deep, But in a somewhat peculiar fashion. For this one, you'll need to have freedom of movement and complete privacy. You almost certainly don't want to start this session off not fully dressed.

You will be doing things for me while in trance, so there are a few things that you'll need Before we start, first, since you'll need to be free to move around, listening to this with wireless headphones phones or earbuds is all but required. It will be quite difficult to follow my suggestions if you lack to the proper freedom. Next, you'll need a marker or pen safe to use on bare skin. Perhaps even lipstick or eyeliner. Things will get interesting.

And you'll need something to mark yourself with. Lastly, I need you to get a piece of paper, something to write on, And write down 3 words or short phrases that you find deeply hypnotic, be they triggers that you have Or simply words that send tingles of pleasure running down your spine. Words that capture your mind. Words that have meaning and power. Just 3.

3 of your …