Perfect Pink Panties - SFX

By Miss Lilith


Perfect Pink Panties - SFX Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweetie. This is Miss Lila and all you have to do is listen to the sound of my voice. Is the words that I say. And align your thoughts with mine. Is with me.

With me. With me. With me. Simply listen and follow and open yourself up to the conception of a fantasy. As clear and vivid and real.

As if as if as if I were fat. As if if it were your light. You were light. Now, make sure you're comfortable. Close your eyes.

Open up your mind your mind. Breathe breathe. Slowly and deeply and deeply. Rhythmically as you listen. Relax.

Relax. Attention. Listen. Relay. Relay your muscles.

Feel the lyrical sound of my voice wash over your body and your mind and feel yourself grow more and more more loose. More and more and more. Relax, relax, relax. Feel that my bright shivers and my words filter in through your skin, skin, and your scar. And breathe me in as you let go of the past, the future and the present.

With your eyes closed, your body relaxed and your breath coming in steadily, slowly, the imagery and sensations I will soon describe will change the landscape of your mind …