Bimbo Shower - SFX

By Miss Lilith


Bimbo Shower - SFX Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome, sweet tea. I need you to listen carefully to the sound of my voice and the word I I say. They need you to focus all of your attention on each one each one. Each one. Each Each sound and each change in tone.

The more you focus, the easier it Come to fall away from the wall. To fall away from the wall. To fall away from the wall. To fall away from the wall. Your worry.

Your stress, stress, and your responsibility ability to simply leave you behind behind. The present present moment It doesn't need any any of that. You never need any of that when you're with me. So listen sweetie and feel the gentle tug as my voice Just pulls you along and and pulls you in, in. Ever so ever so sure.

You wanted to take you deeply into drama. You want me to pour you so very deeply under the heavy waters of hypnotic run. You want to feel your body loosen and your mind go numb with pleasure as an easy self warming. And you'll get your breath. Sweetie, all you have to do is listen, listen and follow.

All you have to do is …