Take your underwear off for me

By Miss Lilith


Take your underwear off for me Erotic Hypnosis Script

Welcome. I'm Lilith, and I'll be bringing you down deep into trance today, where you'll get to experience an entire spectrum of emotions And find an inner peace. For that to happen, there are a few things you need to do. First, if you're wearing any type of underwear, remove them, along with any clothing that you may find intrusive. You won't be needing them.

Then, find a comfortable place to rest, Either in your bed or your favourite chair or even on the floor, whatever works for you, Whatever allows you to take a break from the world around you, let your arms rest loosely by your sides And settle into a position that feels most natural to you. If you ever feel like you need to adjust yourself, Allow it to happen easily. If necessary, pause this recording now and follow the instructions. I'll give you a moment to prepare. Now, close your eyes.

Just let them rest. There's nothing you need them for right now, so you can just allow the weight of your eyelids To keep them safely shut and begin breathing deeply and slowly As if you were on the brink of sleep, just breathe in And …