[F4M] Your WoW Crush Hypnotizes You Into Her New Minion [Hypnosis][HFO][Fdom][Trigger Installation][Conditioning][Slave Mode][Minion][Toy][IRL Bondage][Tomboy][Gamer Girl]

By kinkyshibby


[F4M] Your WoW Crush Hypnotizes You Into Her New Minion [Hypnosis][HFO][Fdom][Trigger Installation][Conditioning][Slave Mode][Minion][Toy][IRL Bondage][Tomboy][Gamer Girl] Erotic Hypnosis Script

Hey. How are you doing? Good. Good. What?

Oh, yeah. I'll be about for the ride this evening like always. I, Just have some IRL things to deal with beforehand. Yeah. Yeah.

Everything is fine. All the cats are doing great. Thanks. The one just had to get ends and Oh. So fucking cute.

But so, anyway, let me cut to the chase. I know we've been really grinding well super hard these last I don't know how many evenings. I've been having a blast. It's been a huge nostalgia trip getting Sucked back into Azeroth. But I've geared up my Druid fully on classic now.

And it took an eternity with the guild struggling on basic content. I mean, how many times did we wipe on fucking Domo? The mages just couldn't keep their fucking sheep straight. I mean, if I was on loot council, the mage blade would have gone to the fucking boomkin. Don't get me sidetracked.

Back on topic. You know, I've been really enjoying playing with you. It's been great fun. I was thinking, and Let's be real. You've made it.

No secret you feel this way too. I was thinking maybe we should play together in person, If you catch …