Kinkation pt4- Sensory Deprivation

By kinkyshibby


Kinkation pt4- Sensory Deprivation Erotic Hypnosis Script

Now, sadly, over the weekend, it was, Saturday night. There was a bit of an incident. An accident, if it were. And I now have a sprained, possibly fractured left wrist. No.

It's not the end of the world, to be honest. It's not my beating hands. It's not my masturbation hand. I can't drive at the moment because I drive stick shift, and it's just unless I can teach my boobs to steer for me while I'm shifting, it's just simply not safe to do so. But yeah.

Lovely little accident. However, I'm not gonna let that stop me from playing with people. So Sunday night, I, did another scene, which was By far, my favorite of, the entire camp experience where I Took a sub to the dungeon. And at first, I was kind of unsure if I would be able to do this because, a lot of things I wanted to do, I've only ever done with 2 hands, and I wasn't sure I could do a lot of the laces and buckles. But the slave was pretty persistent that he didn't want anyone else touching him, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

And I started off. I …