you'd be surprised what women can do

By kinkyshibby


you'd be surprised what women can do Erotic Hypnosis Script

Well, Dimitri, it's really funny you say that. Your comment is, you think a police officer can be stronger than a Russian military member. Very nice, by the way. I'm in response, I would have to say, I used to be a massage therapist, and I specialized in deep tissue and sports massages. And the bigger the person, Just the more fun it is.

Like shoving my elbow into their muscles. And it was always the Russians. They they were always the ones that, would say things like that. I'd ask them when they come in, how would you like your pressure? And they'd just be like, oh, don't worry, little girl.

You can't hurt me. And there is nothing that was as fun about my job as these same people when they left having a little bit more respect for what women can